My Not Poems (Prose)
I`m a very emotional person. I need an expression of my emotions. Well... Here, I think, I will write my prose (stories or novels). But, sorry, I haven`t stories (or novels) in this momemnt. But, I swear, I will have its!
And now... my emotion for the present:
I think about life... I think about it often, when I see, what people do in this world. Or rather, what they don`t do. They don''t love, don`t think and don`t feel. And, may be, they don`t live...
I saw a beggar-man in the metro yesterday. He didn`t beg money. No, he beged some food, some bread and water. He sang for food. Rich persons stood by him. Their faces was replete and embittered. They didn`t think about beggar-man, they thought about money. About their money. And, alas, I was as unfeeling as they, I thought about my comfortable flat, my succulent diner, my money.
We don`t love each other, I understand it. But I don`t understand why. We don`t remember, what does love mean. We don`t remember smile of our relatives. And we don`t remember ourselves...
P.S. Links will be here very soon.
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